Open Doors works closely with the Xtalk, which provides:
Free English classes for women escorts, men and transgender women sex workers, dancers and all workers in the sex industry.
Students welcome to join
Contact Ava Caradonna for more information :
telephone: 07914 703 372
email: xtalk.classes@googlemail.com
safe and confidential space
weekly classes held in Bethnal Green Wednesday 3- 4.30pm
learn to communicate better at work and with clients
beginners and intermediate levels
certificate upon completion
x:talk is organised by and for workers in the sex industry.
x:talk is independent from government authorities.
x:talk is funded by donations and fundraiser events.
x:talk teachers have experience working in the sex industry.
x:talk works with people of all genders who, by choice, circumstance, or coercion, engage in sexual activities for money, food, shelter, clothing, drugs, or other survival needs.
As workers in the sex industry we are often denied a voice, we are considered only passive victims, we are taught to be ashamed of our work, we are made invisible by discriminatory laws that illegalise our work and us, and we are spoken for and about but rarely are we allowed to speak for ourselves. As migrants even more so. Sometimes our voices are not heard even amongst each other because we don’t speak the same languages.
The x:talk project is a sex worker-led workers co-operative which approaches language teaching as knowledge sharing between equals and regards the ability to communicate as a fundamental tool for sex workers to work in safer conditions, to organise and to socialise with each other.
We understand language to be a politically and socially charged instrument of power, which we aim to teach critically and thoughtfully according to the specificity of our classes. Our English classes are organised to create a space where sex work as work can be openly talked about and does not have to be concealed or hidden. Through providing such a space we aim to challenge the stigma and isolation attached to our profession while at the same time we guarantee confidentiality and respect for those involved.