What to do if a condom breaks

If a condom breaks or slips off during a service:
Try to remain calm and stop the service immediately, by carefully withdrawing the customer’s penis.
You may need to look for the broken condom.
Is it still on the customer’s penis, or has it disappeared inside you?

There are 3 things you need to think about:

You may want to follow the advice below depending on the service

A woman having vaginal sex should:

Go to the bathroom and pee to flush away any sperm that may be near your urethra.
Whilst sitting on the toilet remove excess sperm by squatting down and squeezing with your vaginal muscles. 
Do not douche or wash inside your vagina because this can push any sperm and bacteria high into your vagina, which is more likely to result in a pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection.  Douching also alters the useful bacteria that protects your vagina from bacterial vaginosis.
Wash the outside of your genitals by splashing them with water or pouring a bottle of lukewarm water over them whilst sitting on the toilet.
You may need to get emergency contraception if you are not using any other contraception.  This should be taken in the first 72 hours after a condom breaks.  (Remember it is possible to get pregnant even if the client did not come inside you).
It is important to have a sexual health check up. This should be 14 days after the condom breaks or sooner if you have any symptoms or concerns.
You may be worried about HIV and want to find out about PEP

A person receiving anal sex should:

Sit on the toilet and bear down to remove as much sperm as possible
Do not douche or wash inside your anus because this can create tears in your anus and increase the likelihood of sexually transmitted infection including HIV.
It is important to have a sexual health check up including anal tests. This should be 14 days after the condom breaks or sooner if you have any symptoms or concerns.
You may be worried about HIV and want to find out about PEP

A person giving oral sex should:

Spit out any semen quickly, or swallow it immediately—do not let it stay in your mouth
Rinse and spit using water.
Do not brush or floss your teeth for at least one hour after the service.
It is important to have a sexual health check up including throat swabs. This should be 14 days after the condom breaks or sooner if you have any symptoms or concerns.